Sunday, March 15, 2015

Avatars that visit Tempura---ACT 52

Tempura アバター百景その52

Hi, this is Chikae ella Tempura SIM officer.
こんにちわ、Tempuraシムオフィサーの Chikae ella です

In Tempura, the ultimate love and healing themed place, you can spend luxurious time encountering new people from all over the world .

Here we present Hundred Avatars at Tempura ACT 52.

Poly's artistic skill is improving.
She's been taking calm and impressive pictures with refined tastes, and we can profoundly enjoy them.  She is steadily moving forward.
Some of our guests also sent us their photos.
Please enjoy our artistic expression in Tempura.


There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

It is said that love is blind. You may not be able to fall in love if you are too smart.

The brave person thinks of themselves last of all.

There are too many beauties here in Tempura for a man to take all of their love.

For men, a cheating is a one-night stand, but for women, they bet their lives on it.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

Give your man one flower name before you leave him. The flower blooms every year and afflicts him.

It is nice when you get a woman in your life, but you will be happier after she leaves you.

Men feel unhappy when they lose something to build or destroy.

Courage is a scale to measure a greatness of a man. It's time for you to try yours.

Having one bad experience with a woman is enough. Everybody knows that, but we all make the same mistake more than once.

The highest morality is to take great pleasure in serving others and doing something for love of mankind.

If there were no women in this world, men would have lived with nobility like a god. However, you exist and I can never be a god.

Men tend to hate his loving woman, and love a worthless woman.

Love is much stronger than wealth, but to fulfill a love, we must borrow the power of wealth .

I want him to love all of me, but he turns his back to me and gives me the cold shoulder.

A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love. I'm qualified to love someone, aren't I?

Sweetheart, It's definitely you who are adding peace, taking my grief away, and doubling a joy in my life. I love you.

When I was thinking about you, I got here before I knew it. I am lost in the maze of love in Tempura.

Photograph by: ℳαяgot εїз(lavachefolle), Polly Reina ( TEMPURA ISLAND sim officer)

Author: Chikae Ella